Thanks To my best friend ADO
Gay Baby Bust
I love children -- I really do -- and they like me. But I've never wanted the responsibility and bother of my own babies (or, heaven forbid, my own teenagers).
So for a long time, I was content with a complete lack of pressure on me to produce children. I thought of it as one of the many perks of being an out homosexual man: Unlike my straight siblings, I never had to contend with not-so-subtle hints about absent grandbabies. None of my friends ever pointedly mentioned my biological clock. And no fellows ever ruined a perfectly nice first date by asking me whether I wanted children. (Just for the record, guys, this is a terrible question to ask on a first date. Check with your straight girl friends for more tips.)
In the 20 or so years I've been an out gay adult, attitudes toward gay men having kids have definitely changed. All of a sudden, it seems, everyone -- from elderly relatives to tricks I pick up in disreputable bars -- is asking me about my plans to start a family. And I'm not even married yet -- hell, I don't have definite plans for this weekend. But all the gays want kids now. It's like babies are this year's Jack Russel Terriers!You can read MORE HERE
New research says less feel-good endorphins released as drinking gets heavier
Drinking at happy hour on Friday is a long-standing tradition. But don’t overdo it: New research suggests two drinks are plenty to release feel-good endorphins. If you’re still not feeling anything after that, hold up: More boozing will just leave you tired and angry.
“Drinking low amounts of alcohol is associated with mild euphoria … while drinking high amounts of alcohol is associated with sedative, hypnotic effects and … increased anxiety,” says study author Christina Gianoulakis, a professor of psychiatry and physiology at McGill University in Montreal.
Good news, since doctors have always said men should have no more than two drinks a night and women one to reap the health benefits of alcohol. Here are four more reasons to skip a third round:
Heart-healthy benefits: Dark beer has four to five times the antioxidants of wine and raises levels of good cholesterol. But if you drink more than the recommended amount, it has the opposite effect.
You’ll stop drinking your workout: Every beer has around 200 calories. Nothing ruins a buzz more than the reality that it’ll take a 30-minute walk or 15-minute jog to undo the damage of each round.
You won’t embarrass yourself in front of her: Getting plastered on dates one through 15 is ill-advised. And if the date goes well …
You won’t have problems performing: And you won’t have a hangover in the morning to ruin your mood. Enough said.
The Cause To Conquer HIV/AIDS Loses A Champion With Natasha Richardson's Death
Like everyone, I am so saddened by Natasha Richardson's death this week. I can't stop thinking about her and how much her family must be suffering.
A fourth-generation member of the Redgrave theater dynasty (Vanessa Redgrave is her mother), Richardson lived up to the legacy, becoming a star of the stage. Having never sung before, she famously took on the role of Cabaret's Sally Bowles, which was, of course, practically owned by Liza Minnelli, and wowed audiences, ultimately winning a Tony for her turn.
Richardson also appeared in films, ranging from darker fare like The Handmaid's Tale to lighter movies such as the remake of The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan.
But Richardson will be remembered by the gay community not just for her brilliant acting but also for her contributions to the fight against HIV/AIDS. She spent more than 15 years working for amFar (The Foundation for AIDS Research) and joined the organization's board of trustees in 2006. The cause, which she worked tirelessly for, was a personal one: Her father, director Tony Richardson, died of AIDS-related complications in 1991.
She certainly was a remarkable lady. How sad that she had to die so young.
What will you remember about Natasha Richardson?
Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00.
When the postal authorities received the letter to God , USA , they decided to send it to the President.
The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $ 5.00 bill.
The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.
The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:
Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington D.C. and those assholes took $95.00 in taxes
In our world there is 2 different kind of people, i speak about both, straight and gay people, 1st one witch is I belong to, is the one who believe in love and say that love dose exist. we have a big heart and i want to share it with a wonderful person then i will put him inside this heart.
The other type is the one who don't like to be in relation or get married, For me- I'm sorry - but I don't want to know why, because there is so many reason that he or she can come up with it. So this is normal because these kind of people is there and for me its normal to meet such kind of people.
So there is no wrong with someone can say there is no love, or there is no one night stand, everyone have his personality...
A new study says higher temperatures trigger headaches
For every allergy sufferer, warmer weather always comes with a hitch (itchy, red eyes; runny nose; blocked airways; etc.). But if higher temperatures seem to be affecting your body in other ways, it may not be all in your head—except for the pain. A new study says higher temperatures influence headaches.
Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, looked at more than 7,000 patients diagnosed with some kind of headache, and found that the risk of severe headache increases about 7.5 percent for each temperature increase of 5 degrees Celsius (about 9 degrees Fahrenheit).
Did you recently take your workout outside? Or park your car in favor of walking or biking to work? Both are examples of warm-weather events that may contribute to headaches.
So don’t jump to conclusions: You’re not in for your worst allergy spell ever, and there’s still a good chance you’ll make it through the season without getting a cold or the flu.
Counter the weather’s effect by stocking your kitchen with all the best foods for men and taking these supplements proven to soothe an aching head. Then snooze like a baby by banning these 14 roadblocks that keep you up at night.
And keep exercising outdoors. The lumpy and bumpy terrain is great training for supporting and stabilizing muscles—and you can’t get that from a treadmill.

Almost 10,000 gay and lesbian participants, led by gold-medal winning Olympic diver Matthew Mitcham, hit the streets dressed in everything from lifesaver and nurse uniforms to fluoro bikinis.
For the first time, Oxford St was named an alcohol-free zone as a record 135 parade floats thrilled onlookers.

I love to know you care about me like I care about you, my love for you is so Innocent. I don't need anything from you, maybe one thing only...
To know you are happy
If the world don't understand my love, I don't care about them. I care about you and I care about the other person in my life, you Both in my HEART.

Photos by Mario Testino.
Luke Grimes currently appears in ABC's "Brothers & Sisters" as Ryan Lafferty
"Amazing Race" Hottie Eric Sanchez's Jerk Session

"Beau was selected yesterday by the Erotic Signature jurors as the winner in the Fine Art category in their 3rd annual worldwide competition.
It will appear in The World's Greatest Erotic Art of Today Vol. 3 alongside the other category winners, and the top 200 selected entries. Two of my other recent works, Dream of the Dolphin and Farmhand were among the top 200 and will also be published in the book.
Congratulations to my friend and fellow artist Marc DeBauch and everyone else who won a place in the book." - Michael Breyette
NEED A NAP? Excessive daytime sleepiness might mean trouble for your heart A 3 o’clock slump can ruin your productivity, but it could also shorten your life. |
Israeli Court Allows Gay Couple to Adopt 30-Year-Old Foster Son

As a result of Family Court Judge Alissa Miller's decision to recognize Professor Uzi Even and Dr. Amit Kama as Yosi's parents, they will now have the same rights as biological parents of any child. In order for the adoption to be official, Yosi's biological father had to agree to renounce his paternal rights to his son.
In 1995, Yosi was kicked out of his biological family's home after they discovered that he was homosexual. The Even-Kamas took the teenager into their house and got the authorities to recognize them as Yosi's foster family. (The Jerusalem Post)
LL Cool J Is Cool With Gays

LL Cool J remained cool when the TMZ cameraman asked: "What if you go to a bar and get hit on by a gay guy, does that change your nickname?"
"Nah. I guess it just expands your options, huh?," replied LL Cool J.(
Ditch the diuretics and prep your body the healthy way
If you’re thinking of going on a detox diet to prep your body for spring, you may want to think again. Seven days of clean living won’t magically undo the rest of the year (nor will it rid your body of all its toxins), and the diets may be dangerous—here’s why.
That doesn’t mean that tuning up your body in time for spring is a bad idea—use the opportunity to spring-clean your eating and your exercise routine for a full-time healthy lifestyle. Succeed and you’ll only need to spring-clean the garage next year.
Start with your cabinets: Use smart swaps from Eat This, Not That! to trade in high-fat, high-calorie cookies, crackers, and other prepared foods for smarter choices that will jumpstart your weight loss.
Add spring colors to meals to add muscle and lose weight: Replace white foods—made with refined flour, refined sugar, or mayo—with color-rich reds, greens, yellows, and oranges. Colorful foods pack powerful nutrients, like the red lycopene found in tomatoes and red peppers.
Freshen your fitness, too. If you’ve been away from the gym, get back on board with the surprising results of a bodyweight routine—try this one for the ultimate at-home workout. If you’ve already been at the gym, refresh your stale routine with a free workout download. Or loosen your joints and muscles for spring sports by adding flexibility exercises from our Yoga Center—these 10 poses are the best for men.
There is a very nice handsome guy in this small world, I didn't meet him in person, but i love him as a friend or my young brother, but i really care about him, i heard a bad news from him, couldn't help my self for 3 days after the bad news, i felt so weak and helpless. even the people who didn't know me well, they give me hugs and tried to make me smile, somehow people see in my eyes when i am happy or sad. But ...
I don't wana sound so drama, but i just want to say that i wish i can do something for my self to feel happy again, to make him feel happy. I think I will go eat a dark chocolate bar, this will make me happy.
Anyone for a free HUG>>>>>>
Should California Legalize Marijuana?
A California lawmaker is causing a stir with his contention that his state should legalize marijuana for recreational use. (FYI: Medical marijuana has been legal in California since 1996.)
"I'm a martini guy myself," Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, who introduced a bill to legalize pot in the state this week, said at a press conference. "But I think it's time for California to…look at this in a truly deliberative fashion."
According to Ammiano, there are numerous benefits to his proposal, which would allow adults over 21 to grow, buy, sell and smoke pot. For starters, Ammiano claims that the move would cut drug use amongst teens, lower the costs of policing the state for marijuana and raise more than a billion dollars a year for California in the taxes and fees that would be gained from marijuana regulation.
Gay Murder Trial: Video
As the trial begins for gay porn producer Harlow Cuadra, we thought you might want to know a little bit more about the accused murderer of Bryan Kocis. here! TV has a set of 5 video clips looking at his early life in the porn business.
Not familiar with all that's transpired so far? Check out's coverage of what's happened to date.

I have a monster crush on you,
A super-dinosaur!
It sits upon my chest and throat
And yet I beg for more.
When you're away I miss you so
My heart is full of sand.
Yet when you're here my stupid fear
Won't let me touch your hand.
I cannot sleep, I cannot eat,
I'm so wrapped up in you.
My thoughts drift up, away from words,
And fade into the blue.
I know this crush is not your fault;
The dinosaur is mine.
Yet if you could, please rescue me,
And put your arms around me, and hold me, and say
you love me, and Oh! God! Would that be good!
Two tiny people sit, for now together.
Love binds them, they would like to hope, forever;
But there is much that such a union bars.
Heaven is so vast; the Earth so small,
Yet large enough to stretch a great love thin.
For love to flourish, it must turn within:
To the single soul that unifies us all.
Within this soul the walls of fear dissolve:
Distance, difference, history are no more.
The holy silence stills the sounds of war.
We love as round us miracles revolve.
We know we cannot live within this shell
Of heaven both above us and below.
Day by every day the world we know
Will guarantee we recognize it well.
Yet there are truths far greater than the sun,
Beyond the blanket blue of every day.
In love's dark longings, we will find a way
To make our human separateness one.
Ellen and John Mayer “Just Dance”
John Mayer and Ellen sang Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" in the bathroom on Ellen's show on February 9. Here's the clip:
LOSE WEIGHT, WIN IN BED Dropping even a few pounds improves sexual health and satisfaction Researchers have found that losing weight doesn’t just improve the health qualities of sex—increasing sperm count and fertility—but can also biologically improve sexual satisfaction. |
Will Schwarzenegger Kill Milk Day... Again?
Riding a wave of excitement created from his Oscar win for portraying Harvey Milk, actor Sean Penn is trying to build support for a piece of California legislation that would recognize May 22, Milk’s birthday, as Harvey Milk Day. At a press conference at San Francisco's Tosca Café, Penn said "Harvey taught us the importance of standing up for what you believe in. He showed us the value of never giving up, and he proved that action creates change."
A similar bill passed by lawmakers last year sought to designate the date as a day of “special significance” which would encourage public schools and other educational institutions to hold uniquely themed programs. This differs from an official state holiday, when government offices are closed and state employees get the day off. The bill was vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He stated in his veto message “I respect the author's intent to designate May 22nd as 'Harvey Milk Day' and a day of special significance for California public schools and educational institutions to honor Harvey Milk as an important community leader and public official in the city and county of San Francisco. However, I believe his contributions should continue to be recognized at the local level by those who were most impacted by his contributions.”
One less hour of sleep translates to 8 months of extended daylight
This Sunday marks the beginning of daylight saving time—when clocks spring forward and Americans are cheated out of an hour of quality sleep. But adjusting your clock may result in more than just a groggy Monday. It can influence everything from your morning commute to your risk of prostate cancer.
So before you spring forward this Sunday, here’s a look at the bright side of the displaced hour.
A safer drive: People are safer on the roads when it’s light outside, and numerous studies have linked DST with reduced car accidents. In fact, one study found that if we stuck to DST year-round, we would prevent about 195 deaths of car riders and about 171 pedestrian fatalities annually.
An outdoor workout: The added hour of daylight means you have more time to fit in an outdoor workout. Hit the pavement, go for a bike ride, or add 30 yards to your drive—it’ll be a lot easier to squeeze in 18 holes before dinner now.
A cancer-fighting boost: Increased exposure to sunlight can also boost vitamin D, which not only helps our bodies use calcium and is crucial to bone strength, but low vitamin D levels may increase the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.
A reason to visit Hawaii: If all of the above aren’t enough for you to welcome DST, pack your bags and head to Hawaii. Along with Arizona, the Aloha State doesn’t shift the clock.
As the California Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on a slew of legal challenges to Prop 8 -- the gay marriage ban passed by voters in November of last year -- we decided to ask Lambda Legal's Marriage Project Director, Jenny Pizer, about the history of California's marriage equality struggle, the challenges of arguing before the Supreme Court in the wake of the election, and whether she can predict what the Court will rule.
Can you give us a quick history lesson on the same-sex-marriage struggle in California?
The work in California started back in the early 1990s in terms of community organizing around marriage. From '96 to '99 there were fights in the state legislature, when [then state senator] Pete Knight was trying to change our family code to deny respect to couples' marriages from other places, but he kept failing. He got stopped in the legislature three years in a row. He then brought Proposition 22 to the voters in March of 2000, and the initiative statute was passed to deny respect to [same-sex] marriages from other states.
You can read More HERE
Your kiss tells a woman how you'll be in the sack, says William Cane, author of The Art of Kissing . Find out if your smooches are subpar.
She's Choking
"A little tongue action is good, but not when you feel like you're mouth wrestling," says Rebecca, 24. Men are notorious for tonsil spelunking, says Cane, who advises staying in the front of her mouth.
She's Bored
"A guy should move around when making out," says Amy 23, "not sit still and peck me." Explore, Cane says: "Slide your lips over her body and keep your hands moving."
She's Annoyed
"Some guys think a kiss simply involves moving their tongue in and out of my mouth. That's just annoying," says Dina, 28. "Instead of using your tongue like a dart, try different motions and amounts of pressure," suggests Cane.
She's Weirded Out
"I hate it when a guy devours my face when he's kissing me," says Beth, 25. Here's an approach she'll love: Ask her to demonstrate what she considers a sexy kiss. Then let her do all the work. It's educational . . . and fun.