Legislation in NY

David Paterson Today, Governor David Paterson (D-NY) introduced a bill that would create same-sex marriages in the state of New York. It is the same bill that died in the Republican-controlled NY Senate in 2007.

Paterson is behind in the polls for the upcoming NY Gubernatorial primaries. Some people are saying his move today is a political risk. I can’t see how it would be; NY Democrats favor the bill, and this move is likely to be embraced by his would-be Democratic primary challengers. Others are saying it is a move made out of desperation; that if he were in a stronger political position in the state (after all, he was appointed Governor on the heels of a scandal) he would not extend himself into this arena, instead keeping a more “moderate” stand on the issue heading into a campaign against a GOP opponent.

Personally, I couldn’t care less as to what his political motivations are. He has introduced a bill that will give gay people equal marriage rights under the law in the State of New York. That’s all I care about. Moreover, whatever his “true motivations are” (let the tealeaf readers/tea-baggers divine that if they want), his words speak for themselves:

"Rights should not be stifled by fear. What we should understand is that silence should not be a response to injustice. And that if we take no action, we will surely lose"

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