Dropping even a few pounds improves sexual health and satisfaction

Researchers have found that losing weight doesn’t just improve the health qualities of sex—increasing sperm count and fertility—but can also biologically improve sexual satisfaction.

Makes sense: A smaller waistline means more testosterone. And if the weight loss coincides with a fat-blasting workout program like Belly Off!, the increase in cardiovascular function means more bloodflow—which means you’re ready more often. (And if you’re building these muscles—the ones you’ll need for longer, stronger sex—the fitness is doing double-duty.)

Start your weight-loss crusade small: Make simple changes that save big calories with Eat This, Not That! Use this guide to cut 300 calories from tonight’s dinner. Add this 10-minute fat-blasting bodyweight circuit to your morning routine. And use tips from our Belly Off! guys to get motivated and flip the switch that will start fat melting, fast.

If you’ve been struggling to trim your waist this year, your sleep schedule could be the culprit. Use this guide to improve your slumber. You’ll enjoy your nightly sack time more; and with the weight-loss benefits, you might enjoy your other bedtime activities more—and more often.

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