From interesting topic, i like it...

Men generally suppress the urge to cry because it’s considered a sign of weakness and one of the many stigma attached to masculinity that society has placed on us. In the dating world gay men often look down on each other when emotion or vulnerability are expressed because many guys aren’t attracted to behavior construed as feminine.

The whole “straight acting” mentality constrains us so much that we behave mostly in ways that appear attractive to others rather than what might come naturally. Why is it then, when we are identified as being “an old married couple” (regardless of age) that we can let our feminine sides come out? And yet sometimes not even then if we still want people to think we’re a hot couple?

As an openly gay man for 20 years, I happen to be one of those gay-from-across-the-road kinda guys. I’ve NEVER been able to “pass” as straight my whole life, even when I was dating girls. So acting straight seems pointless to me.

This is not to say I enjoy walking around in heels (too hard on the arches), nor that I don’t love using power tools and shooting guns and other “real man” stuff. And except for working on cars (manicures aint cheap), things like tearing down walls with my Sawzall are fucking awesome.

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For a lasting relationship, keep things exciting inside and outside the bedroom

We'll happily have sex any time a woman wants to, but when things fall into a rut (all missionary all the time?) it's tempting to want to see if a new partner would make things exciting again.

Don't go there. It's easy to prevent a ho-hum relationship and sex life: Just try new things. Novelty increases your brain's levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to romance and sex drive. This means you'll bring back the spark you felt when you first met.

The next time you take your wife or girlfriend out, go skydiving. If she's less adventuresome, try that new Vietnamese restaurant—it could save your relationship and your sex life.

If she's hinted at wanting to try skinny-dipping, go for it—the adrenaline rush will carry over into bed. Or try these seven tips to keep things hot. And just because you're in a committed relationship doesn't mean you can't sleep with someone new—as long as you follow these rules.

Maybe you should go sexless for a week—sounds crazy, but it'll make it even better when you get back to getting dirty. Have some crazy fantasies you'd love to fulfill? Here's how to make them happen. And be sure you have these eight monumental sex experiences every couple should try.

Hey, if it keeps her happy, we'll gladly "suffer" through trying new things in bed.

So why do employees hate their managers?

According to Katcher, whose book is based on surveys of more than 50,000 employees, the cardinal reason workers say they hate their mangers is they feel like they are treated like children.

"Employees are told where to be and what they have to do" says Katcher. "It's the underlying issue that managers don't trust employees to make it on their own and be autonomous thinkers."

Contributing to the 'I hate my boss' mantra, Katcher says, is employees' fear of speaking out. In his company's surveys, 46 percent of respondents expressed reservations about voicing their complaints at work.

Communication is key to improving workplace relations for bosses and employees, Katcher says.

As an employee, you can take the lead by taking stock of your situation, from job performance with your supervisor to how you are perceived by work colleagues.

Save money and burn calories this weekend—and still have time left for fun

The best thing about no work last Monday? It’s already time to think about your weekend plans.

It’s a little too soon for another barbecue binge (you just burned off the last one). Here’s how to make the most the most of your time—and still conquer all the stuff you put off during the holiday weekend.

1. Be your own handyman. Whether you need to unclog your sink, secure wireless Internet, or unjam a garbage disposal, there’s no need to call in a professional. These 16 DIY tricks will help you save money and earn bragging rights.

2. Blast calories doing yard work. Power tools save us a ton of effort, which is precisely the problem. Use these human-powered tools to burn more calories and wrap up tasks faster. Want to free up your time completely? Use these secrets for outsourcing you weekend chores—then call your buddies and plan a cheap night at the ballpark.

3. Ring a wedding belle.
You may not don a penguin suit this weekend, but since thousands of couples will tie the knot between now and September, there’s a good chance you’ll be invited to at least one wedding. Use this wedding season survival guide to dress like Clooney, toast like Seinfeld, dance like Timberlake, and score like A-Rod.
The FDA questions cereals' health claims

If you’re eating Cheerios because you thought they were good for you, you’re only part right. But you could also be a sucker.

This week, the FDA warned General Mills about its claim that the cereal is “clinically proven to help lower cholesterol 4 percent in 6 weeks.” It refers to a clinical study conducted in 1998 in which people who ate 3 cups of Cheerios a day lowered their LDL (bad) cholesterol by 7 points.

The FDA said a product has to be approved as a drug before manufacturers can make such specific health-related claims.

MH has always thought the cereal’s claim was a little flawed—our Fitness Insider, Adam Campbell, wrote about this in January of last year. First of all, the folks ate 3 cups of Cheerios a day. You’d probably have to drown in O’s to see any difference. And it’s no certainty that a 7-point drop in LDL is even significant.

That said, Cheerios is a good choice, as breakfast cereals go. It is low in sugar (only 1 gram), contains a mere 2 grams of fat, and has 3 grams of fiber per serving. Anything made from whole oats is not bad.

Whether you eat Cheerios, eggs, or yogurt with granola, make sure you eat breakfast every morning, and make sure it includes some protein. Studies show breakfast eaters eat fewer calories throughout the day and are sharper and more alert.
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