Do something wild this summer, and save your relationship

Want a happy marriage? If you’re fighting a lot,
don’t worry—that’s not the biggest warning sign. A new study says boredom is a red flag your relationship could be headed toward splitsville.

Psychologists at the State University of New York at Stony Brook interviewed 123 couples after 7 and 16 years of marriage. They were asked a series of questions about marital satisfaction and whether or not they felt stuck in a rut.

If they reported boredom at year 7, there was a good chance they’d be unhappy (and no longer intimate) at year 16. Bored spouses also had a higher tendency to divorce than those who said they found each other entertaining after 7 years.

Don’t resign yourself to a life of TV watching and early bedtimes. Step up your relationship this 3-day weekend by going on a romantic getaway, or doing something special for her at home.

Turn an ordinary date into an adventure—it
doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Instead of getting buzzed at a picnic table, take her to a minor league ball game, or challenge her creative side by starting a project together.

Liven things up in the bedroom, too. Spend more time kissing her below, or help her unleash her wild side by asking if she’d like to watch a dirty movie with you—and recreate it later.

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